Friday, August 13, 2010

You ever feel as though you were born for greatness?

This place is only a few hundred feet from my house. Rest assured, whoever comes to visit first, whether it be Dad, Jason, Shelton, Will, or Mark, he will take this challenge with me! The 14lb pizza!


  1. I assume that there's a one person per pizza limit on this saucy death wish of a challenge, but how many of my pet opossums can help?

  2. It's actually designed for two people. And, of course, the standard exchange rate applies:

    1 person = 3 1/2 opossums

  3. only 14 pounds of pizza for TWO people? these people must not take their gluttony seriously.

  4. I will eat it with or without you... that would take a lot of Ranch for J to eat it

  5. If you eat it in under an hour, you get $100, the pizza for free, and two t-shirts! And calf implants... so I'm told.
