Monday, July 26, 2010

How does a buffalo get everyday groceries? And where do they keep their dogs?

Well, it's really quite simple. Buffaloes who have money, or sometimes the ones who like to imagine they have money, go to a place like Sprouts Farmers' Market (pictured below), Whole Foods, or Sunflower Farmers Market.

Buffaloes who have no money, or perhaps the ones who have just realized they shouldn't have spent that much money at Sprouts on the previous visit, go to King Soopers (pictured below), which is owned by Kroger.

Either of these is actually a great choice, and even King Soopers has more variety than we have come to expect.

And yes, the view is even amazing from the grocery store parking lot!

P.S. This is Charlie's fancy doghouse in the backyard!

Our wish list

As you might have heard, we couldn't fit all of our furniture down the narrows stairs of the apartment. In response to this tragedy, we have started a wish list on our refrigerator (pictured below), which has obviously grown in its scope.

In the spirit of keeping our loved ones as involved in our out-of-state lives as possible, I will posting our wish list below, and we will strike through the items/services as they make their tenuous ways into our lives:

Platform bed, since our box springs couldn't fit downstairs
Piano lessons for Lauren
Viola lessons for Ryan
Weber One-Touch Gold Grill (Katie bought a grill!)
Brinkmann Gourmet Charcoal Smoker & Grill
Two tickets to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver
Two tickets to the Colorado Shakespeare Festival
Futon for the office, since our couch couldn't fit downstairs
Fancy rolling office chair
Entertainment center, so we can replace the fragile end table that is currently supporting our 10-ton TV

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Community Coffee Dark Roast

This just in: Lauren and I are accepting donations of Community Coffee Dark Roast sent to...

Ryan & Lauren Garrett
135 S. 42nd Street
Boulder, CO 80305

Yes, we need it!

Friday, July 23, 2010

We're here!

Well, as most everyone knows, we are in Boulder! We will be posting some pictures as soon as we get some. However, until then, we can tell you that Lauren has been hired as an intern at Boulder Montessori School (pictured below). She has a beautiful drive on the way to work!

If you want to check things out, they have a website at

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Saturday 07/17 Departure

Lauren and I will be headed out early Saturday morning. After we close up the U-Haul, we plan to stop by Harlow's for some coffee and doughnuts, and then we're headed to the Centennial State.

Since I need to have my vehicle inspected, we'll be driving through Austin (pictured below),

stopping in Abilene for the night at a wonderful Motel 6 (pictured below),

and making our way to Boulder on the second day. Here is our new address:

Ryan & Lauren Garrett
135 S. 42nd Street
Boulder, CO 80305

We're both really excited, and we look forward to putting up our first posts regarding our new life in Boulder!