Friday, September 10, 2010

A little update

What's in the hopper?

We're going to an Ingrid Michaelson concert in October for Lauren's birthday. And, Mark Twain Tonight! is coming to Boulder around the same time!

Fun for Lauren

Lauren is still kickin' it at Boulder Montessori School. Some days she loves it; some days she hates it.

She's auditioning for a play, Rabbit Hole, this weekend at Longmont Theatre. Everyone wish her luck!

School for Ryan

So, I'm three weeks into graduate school, and it's going pretty well. I think it's too early to tell whether or not I "love" the world of academia, but we will see.

My American Lit class is, of course, greatly interesting and relevant in relation to my hazy ideas concerning Whitman, metonymy, the American Myth, and the American re-remembering of the past, which I hope to eventually gather into something coherent. For next Tuesday, I will be leading the discussion on The Blithedale Romance, so here goes!

My Chaucer class has produced moments of inspiration, mostly due to the fact that the professor leading the class is currently writing a book on metonymy and recursion, both of which I find very sexy. Still, the minutia of the manuscripts and the paleography are things I'm struggling to attach to any personal zeal.

My Theory class is fresh and engaging, due in large part to my comparative ignorance of the majority of the subject matter. Every now and again, we are using Alfred Hitchcock and Wes Craven movies as illustrative models for specific critical theories, which is fun.

A final note

Anyone feel free to call us anytime. We miss everyone, so it would certainly be welcome.